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How can I fight MS?

You can participate.  The idea is to demonstrate that after going milk free there is no progression of the disease per MRI and to publicize that a large percentage of participants with active MS have shown no disease progression after going milk free.  To accomplish this each participant should


1. Confirm that you are participating by emailing  Do not include any self identifying information.  Participation is anonymous.

2.  Have multiple sclerosis with an MRI showing active demyelination (active MS progression, enhancing lesions).  The MRI could have been generated at any time prior to going milk free.

3.  Be under physician / neurologist care capable of prescribing an MRI exam.

4.  Continue any current medication unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.  Since it is possible that there is more than one MS antigen you should continue any MS treatment in progress.  I continued my medication until after I had gone more than 5 years with no new demyelination to be certain that my MS progression had stopped.

5.  Be willing to commit to a milk free diet per documentation provided (for >15 months).

6.  Be willing to document all food consumed while going milk free.  Recording what you eat is the best way to make sure you have consumed no milk.

​7.  Have a follow-up MRI at least 15 months after going milk free. This MRI should be as prescribed by your doctor for normal monitoring of MS progression.  Specific timing is not critical as long as it is greater than15 months after going milk free.

8.  Be willing to provide MRI results (date of MRI and either MS demyelination active or inactive with no personal identifying information) to  A tally of the number of participants and their current status will be provided to all participants.  Sample MRIs are provided in the link Why test MS with MRI?

9.  If after going milk free you have no MS progression you will need to go milk free for the rest of your life to prevent any future MS progression.

10. Participants will be informed of the number of participants and results as they become available.

Note that you do not need to participate to go milk free.  Just follow the directions on the link Going milk free.

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