Hi I'm Craig
People with RRMS have a high probability of halting MS progression by removing milk from their diets. This website summarizes how I came to believe that.
When I was first diagnosed with RRMS in 2007 at the age of 52 I was devastated. I had seen how MS had negatively impacted the lives of my aunt and uncle. Most of my later memories of my aunt were of her in a wheel chair. My MS was diagnosed a few years after I had a major change in diet that included increasing my consumption of milk proteins by a factor of four. Ever since high school I was a runner, running several miles a day. Due to loss of coordination of my right leg I could no longer safely run.
Since the only major change shortly preceding my MS diagnosis was my change in diet I began to research the relationship between milk and MS. Based upon that research I permanently eliminated all milk proteins from my diet. Within one year of doing so (2010) the progression of my MS completely halted (no new nerve lesions, scarring or demyelination). I have had no new MS progression for 13 years, have been off any MS medication for more than 5 years and am currently running 3 miles a day.